Wednesday, June 22, 2016

My Time Travel DARK BREW Set in 1324 Ireland and Modern Cape Cod

Thanks so much, pre-order readers!

My upcoming time travel, DARK BREW, is set around the 14th century Irish woman Alice Kyteler who was accused of witchcraft. The modern heroine, Kylah, lives on Cape Cod.

I first read about Alice in the Spring 2004 issue of The Ricardian, the Richard III Society's magazine; Pamela Butler wrote an article about her. This was 2004. Alice caught my fancy, and that's when I started researching and writing the book. Yes, it was 12 years in the making. Alice was accused of witchcraft in Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1324; she was a wealthy woman, and vanished before her trial. To this day it's a mystery where she went.

DARK BREW is published by The Wild Rose Press

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