Thursday, May 7, 2009

Visitor Map
Create your own visitor map!


  1. Great map! I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you on Traveling Light! I had the priviledge of editing it and here is the review I am posting everywhere! Loads of hugs, Diana! Well done!

    Foery MacDonell

    Traveling Light, the new time-travel historical by the very talented Diana Rubino, has just been released by Eternal; Press.
    Diana is an expert on Richard III and it shows in this lush adventure set in Medieval England.
    Archeologist Leigh Halliday falls asleep on a bed once owned by King Richard and the adventure begins. She awakens in 1485, only to be mistaken as the betrothed of Sir Guy Blackamour, a trusted knight of the King and a man whom history says murdered his wife.
    Fearful at first, Leigh soon discovers that Sir Blackamour did not murder his wife. Instead, he was set up by a Welsh clan who has maintained a vendetta against the Blackamours for centuries.
    The handsome Blackamour falls in love with Leigh, and his devotion and chivalry cause her guilt for keeping her origins secret. Just as Leigh grows to love him, she is captured by the Welsh clan,
    I am not one to give away endings, so I won’t spoil it for you. Suffice to say, it has a surprise ending that will leave readers wanting more. Diana is well-versed in her history, an adept writer, and creates a fast-paced and complex story. Her characters are intelligent and fascinating, and you find yourself cheering them on with every paragraph. I can’t wait to see more from this highly creative and brilliant story teller! can’t wait a setup by a Welsh clan who's hated Guy's family for centuries. She puts her life on the line to clear his name and attempts to return home--with Guy, whom she's grown to love.

  2. Thanks to a great editor and friend!
    I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
    Hugs, D.

  3. Wow, what a great review! Congratulations! And what a great story line! This one sounds like it could be a great seller. Best of luck with it!

  4. Richard suffered unfairly because Shakespeare had to please his Tudor patrons and his death on Boswell Field bears the same suicidal badge as Custer's stand at the Little Big Horn, unusual actions from astute tacticians. I remember reading somewhere that the Duke of Buckingham was the more likely villian in the murder of the young princes in the Tower, but Richard certainly executed his brother, George, by drowning him in a barrel of sweet Malmsey wine.
    It was an interesting period, with the Tudors waiting in the wings.

