Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cape Cod Has Some Great Authors--and Here's Another One: Sharon Anderson

Meet my guest Sharon Anderson. I read about Sharon in the Cape Cod Times this summer, and knew I had to meet her. She's a true Renaissance woman, as you'll see--and as a bonus she owns Little Shop of Crystals. I haven't been there yet, but plan to visit first chance I get.

Read about Sharon and her amazing life, and my interview with her.

About Sharon in her own words:
Sharon D. Anderson, Ph.D., R.M.T., my legal name, and I write non-fiction under that name. For my Fiction, I use S. D. Anderson. 
My genre is Visionary Fiction and I am a member of the Visionary Fiction Alliance. This genre was born in 2000. It is so nice to have finally found a genre where I really belong.
My newest release is a print book, based on the properties of a special crystal, Russian Lemurian Ice Quartz. I fell in love with this stone and felt so strongly about it that I created a story around it: Stones and Bones, the Crystal People Speak . Four years in process, this book evolved continuously. I am working on the sequel: Stones and Clones. Not very original, but the best that can be done at this time.
When I took a photo of the stone, I was aware of his profile, but digitally when Todd Engel dropped it on the cover, so many little beings began to show up. The Stone’s character in the book is Thor-en, an inter-stellar being who is housed in the stone as protection until such time as the human race is ready for the ancient knowledge that this colony of stones holds.



An Interview with Sharon

Tell me three words that describe yourself starting with A, B, and C.
Audacious, Benevolent, Creative

What are your three favorite things?
Watching DVD’s, Crocheting or Knitting, working with crystals

Are you self-published or with a publishing company (if so, which one?)
I self-publish under Angelic Communications and in the genre of Visionary Fiction and Non-Fiction.

What for you is the best part of writing?
For me it’s combining my Mystical life with my Creative life, and probably the most challenging.

What is the worst?
Thinking that it should/could be better and is it really what my readers want.

Is there a process you stick to, or do you just write as it hits you?
I write from an outline, but it does change as the story evolves. It always surprises me!

Music is a big influence on my writing. I have certain songs that inspire each chapter, or the whole book. What helps to inspire you?
Usually, I am inspired by something I read or a sentence in a book or an idea that my guides may suggest. I do channel, but I think most writers do. Isaac Asimov said: “Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.”  
When not writing, what can you be found doing?
Reading, creating audio books, creating crystal grids, or listening to audio books on my IPhone.
Favorite item (s) of clothing in your closet?
My cashmere sweaters. I have a passion for them and hunt for them in thrift shops and at Goodwill. Several of them are vintage, even more delightful.
Favorite writer, book?
I usually say Jane Austen and I have one of her books on audio, but my real favorite authors are: Ruth Montgomery, who started me on my Mystic Life, and Betty Neels. I have 40 of her print books and probably another 10 on my Kindle. I also have a collection of books by David Hatcher Childress and books on Atlantis that fill the bookcase. (I consider those my research books.)And to round this out, some of Plato’s works. He has inspired my search into Sacred Geometry and Atlantis.
When writing, which do you prefer to write with, computer or paper and pen?
Both—I usually do my fiction on the computer screen, and outline my non-fiction with notebook and pencil (so I can erase), then transfer the notes to computer. 

Visit Sharon: – All about my books. (17) - All about where we came from and more.  - All about my little shop.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the interview with Sharon. Although I wasn't aware of Visionary Fiction as a genre of its own, I've used crystals in my stories at times. Remember crystal radio sets? Today's memory circuits may be replaced eventually with crystals. They might even be the future libraries. Wishing you success with your writing Sharon. Nice interview Diana.

