Thursday, October 10, 2024

Meet My Fellow Wild Rose Press Author Karen Bartell and Read About Her Paranormal Romance FOX TALE, Set in Japan, for Spooktober

I met Karen when I saw her featured on another author's blog post, and saw that she's also a Wild Rose Press author. We struck up a lively correspondence, are doing blog exchanges, and are reading each other's books. We share our fascination with the paranormal, although I have no ability in that area--I've never seen a ghost. But I do believe.

About Karen

Author of the Trans-Pecos, Sacred Emblem, Sacred Journey, and Sacred Messenger series, as well as Fox Tale, Kissing Kin, Wild Rose Pass, The Keys: Voice of the Turtle and more, Karen is a best-selling author, motivational keynote speaker, IT technical editor, wife, and all-around pilgrim of life. She writes multicultural, offbeat love stories steeped in the supernatural. Born to rolling-stone parents who moved annually, Bartell found her earliest playmates as fictional friends in books. Paperbacks became her portable pals. Ghost stories kept her up at night—reading feverishly. The paranormal was her passion. Novels offered an imaginative escape. An only child, she began writing her first novel at the age of nine, learning the joy of creating her own happy endings. Professor emeritus of the University of Texas at Austin, Karen resides in the Texas Piney Woods with her husband Peter and her mews—three rescued cats and a rescued *Cat*ahoula Leopard dog.

What separates perception from deception―illusion from reality?

Fox Tale Spooktober

True story! Fox Tale had been in rewrites for three months. We’d been trying to move for eight months but were stymied until we sold our house. Once we found a buyer, we had to move fast. Within days of signing the contract for Fox Tale, we signed a contract for a house on Foxtail Lane. COINCIDENCE?

About Fox Tale

Fox Tale is a paranormal romance set in Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan. It’s about a woman who’s terrified of heights. When Chase saves Ava from plunging down a mountain, he diverts her fears with tales of Japanese kitsune—shapeshifting foxes—and she begins a journey into the supernatural.

She’s attracted to Chase, both physically and metaphysically, yet primal instincts urge caution when shadows suggest more than meets the eye.

She’s torn between him and Rafe, her ex, when a chance reunion reignites their passion, but she struggles to overcome two years of bitter resentment. Did Rafe jilt her, or were they pawns of a larger conspiracy? Are the ancient legends true of kitsunes twisting time and events?

Fox Tale has been nominated for October’s “Cover of the Month” contest: 

I’d really appreciate your vote!

Background of Fox Tale

My husband works for a Japanese company. When he was instructed to meet with his Tokyo team, I leapt at the chance to accompany him.

The next thing I did was research Japan’s cryptids. What appeared were Inari’s kitsunes or fox spirits—and voilà, the idea for Fox Tale was born. 

What are Inari’s kitsunes? Japan’s history of foxes is complex.

According to Fox Tale’s leading man, Rafe, “Originally, Inari was the concept of a successful rice harvest. Over time, devotees fleshed out that belief, and Inari became the androgynous god of wealth.”

“And the kitsunes?” asked the protagonist, Ava.

“The relationship has always been cooperative…Initially, foxes kept rice fields free from rodents, ensuring good crop yields. Eventually, people humanized the foxes into guardians and agents.” 

While my husband attended meetings, I explored Tokyo, sometimes alone on foot and sometimes with a group tour. I took copious notes, and each site I visited became part of my developing story. With the supernatural element, as well as the locale established, my imagination began taking flight.

I spoke to locals as often as possible, asking if they believed in kitsune--or if their neighbor or grandmother believed in them. (Luckily, many Japanese speak English!) Not one admitted to believing in the old superstitions, but almost all knew of someone who did. 

Said Fox Tale’s antagonist, Ichiro, “Most Japanese live in concrete canyons, and rational university educations replace superstition. Still, fox stories persist through theater, festivals, language, and literature…or kiterature as I call it.”

“Despite a waning belief?” I leaned closer.

“Even today, some believe in fox possession…although believing in kitsunetsuki might not be fashionable in this age of supercomputers and artificial intelligence, stories still circulate in the tabloids and mass media.”

“For example?”

“In 2019, a doomsday cult member rammed his car into pedestrians on Takeshita Street, then pled not guilty on the grounds that the cult was fox possessed. And as recently as 2022, the Sessho-seki split in two.”

Skeptical, I squinted. “The what did what?”

“The killing stone…according to legend, it imprisoned an evil nogitsune vixen. Her spirit escaped when it split in half and began spewing sulfur fumes, killing anyone that approached…For over a thousand years, Japanese medical practitioners considered kitsunetsuki a disease. Even into the twentieth century, psychologists believed fox possession caused mental illness.”

“But not anymore…” Crossing my arms, I hugged myself, seeking reassurance. “Right?” 

Gathering all the information I could from locals, as well as researching online, the plot for Fox Tale began to take shape. Once I had the realistic component that tied the supernatural to the natural, I had the storyline. Then the characters emerged as the story unfolded in my mind.

When my husband finished his meetings in Tokyo, we visited Kyoto, where we toured Fushimi Inari. The mountain is sacred in the Shinto religion, a place where “deities coexist with nature” and where, some believe, Inari resides.

Fushimi Inari has an ethereal presence. Its otherworldly aura and scenery are difficult to describe, but if anything supernatural could occur, it would happen on that mountain.

While at that shrine, the various parts merged into the basis of Fox Tale: the supernatural element, general locale, plot, characters, and finally the specific location for the otherworldly activity.

Lo and behold, a novel was born.


I applied my makeup with an artist’s hand, blending three shades of eyeshadow and going heavy on the mascara. Then I slipped into the black cocktail dress I’d bought for the occasion--a fusion of chic and slutty.

Wish I knew what Rafe planned for my birthday. Dinner at an upscale restaurant? Pub food at a sports bar?

“A surprise,” was all he’d said.

What’s the fine line between dressed to kill and overdressed? Glancing at the mirror, I glimpsed the exposed décolletage, then examined my naked left hand. More importantly, is tonight the night? After dating for three years, the conversation had finally turned to rings and weddings, and with graduation a month away, I was eager to take the next step.

At six o’clock sharp, I sat by the door, butterflies fluttering in my belly.

Ten minutes passed, fifteen. I texted him. An hour later, I called. When he didn’t pick up, I left a voicemail.

At eight o’clock, I checked my email. No messages, no texts--radio silence.

At nine o’clock, I removed my makeup, the black, smoky taupe, mauve, and greige streaks on the cotton pad mirroring my mood. After showering, I picked at soggy leftovers as I studied my bare left hand. Leftovers…

When the phone dinged, I flinched. Rafe?

Mia--Guess who’s at Tootsie’s? And Rafe’s not alone. What’s going on?--

I sat back, stunned. He wouldn’t break up with me on my birthday--without even the courtesy of telling me--would he?

Purchase FOX TALE

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Contact Karen

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

To Kick Off Spooktober, Meet My Author Friend Alicia Dean and Check Out Her Latest Release CROW GIRL: 13 Stories, 13 Authors...Get Your Fright On


I always enjoy hosting Alicia, especially during the creepy season, and you'll see why...

Meet Alicia

At age 10, Alicia wrote her first ever romance (featuring a hero who looked just like Elvis Presley and who shared the name of Elvis’ character in the movie, Tickle Me), and she still has the tattered, pencil-written copy. Alicia lives in Edmond, Oklahoma, where she enjoys reading, writing, MLB, NFL and watching (and rewatching) her favorite television shows like Dexter, Justified, and Breaking Bad. Some of her favorite authors are Michael Connelly, Dennis Lehane, Lee Child, Lisa Gardner, Ridley Pearson, Joseph Finder, and Jonathan Kellerman…to name a few.

Crow Girl ~ A Friday the 13th Horror Short Story by Alicia Dean

I am in awe of how smart crows are. Crows can not only form affectionate bonds with people who treat them well (as did the little girl in the below Mr. Ballen YouTube video), but they can also hold grudges against those who don’t. A team from the University of Washington tested how well the birds could identify human faces using two Halloween masks (one resembling a caveman to be used as the aggressor, the other resembling Dick Cheney for the control).

At five sites, a scientist donned the caveman mask before catching and banding some wild crows. Getting trapped is never a fun experience, and upon their release, the crows loudly scolded their assailant with threatening caws. Seeing this, other birds swooped down to harass the captor. Over several years, researchers wore the masks on strolls through all five test spots. The crows—including many who’d never been captured or banded—scolded and dive-bombed the “caveman” while ignoring “Dick Cheney”.

The younger crows, who were born after the initial experiment, also scolded the “caveman.” The grudge had been passed on.

I went a bit further than simple grudges in my latest release, CROW GIRL, A FRIDAY THE 13th STORY. 😊

Watch Video on YouTube


Ten-year-old Twyla Gillette was abandoned by her mother and placed in an abusive foster home. Teased unmercifully by her classmates, she has no friends—other than the crows. As a toddler, she shared her food with the birds and they befriended her, bringing her gifts and always looking out for her, protecting her.

When the teasing turns to vicious bullying, and her foster family’s abuse becomes more relentless, Twyla relies on the crows to make things right.

It’s not that she wants her friends to hurt anyone…but sometimes wicked people have to learn a lesson.


He was alone in the woods…with nothing around except the psychotic birds. They wouldn’t actually hurt him, though, would they?

He stumbled back and turned to run but tripped on a tree stump and went flying, landing on the ground with a painful thud. He was getting to his feet when something hit him from behind. He grunted and fell to his knees. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw the birds…so many of them…swarming, diving, swooping at him. Then they were on him, pecking his face, his head, his chest. He tried to cover his face, but there were so many birds and…how were they so strong? They weren’t that big, but they were in some kind of vicious frenzy, and they were relentless.

One of the birds drove its beak into his ear. Warm, wet liquid dripped down the side of his neck, and agonizing pain ripped through his head. The fuckers had punctured his eardrum. The screeching caws rang out, echoing his terror, drowning out his sobs. Birds continued to attack…tearing him to pieces.

“Help!” he shrieked. “Somebody help me, please!” But he had a feeling only one person could stop this…and he’d locked her up and left her there…all alone in the dark. And now her friends were making him pay. If he could take it back, he would. But he couldn’t do anything except lay on the ground, sobbing and begging for mercy.

Find my story everywhere except Amazon 

(Amazon terminated my account due to false accusations they made against me)

Find All 13 of the Friday the 13th #5 Series Here

